vitaminwater is giving one brave fan the chance to win $100,000 for going scroll-free for a year.

Could You Ditch Your Phone for a Year?

vitaminwater's $100,000 Challenge


Since making its debut nearly two decades ago, vitaminwater has always taken a stand against the bland and boring. Now, the pioneering hydration brand is putting its money where its mojo is by giving one brave fan the chance to win a hefty prize of $100,000.

The catch? No smartphone for 365 days.

Between now and Jan. 7, 2019, those bold enough to take the challenge can use the hashtag #nophoneforayear on Twitter or Instagram and describe what a year without a smartphone would look like. The team will select a winner based on originality/creativity, brand relevance, humor and submission quality.

“When we hit the market in 2000, we shook up a dull category by bringing flavor, color, vitamins – and fun – to bottled water,” said Natalia Suarez, associate brand manager, vitaminwater. “Today is no different – vitaminwater wants to challenge the monotony. There are a lot of people that are guilty of mindlessly scrolling because it’s the norm.”

“We see this as an opportunity to take a stance against routine – in a way that reflects vitaminwater’s ‘personality with a purpose’ – and help someone do something uniquely awesome with their time.”

“We see this as an opportunity to take a stance against routine – in a way that reflects vitaminwater’s ‘personality with a purpose’ – and help someone do something uniquely awesome with their time.” - Natalia Suarez, associate brand manager, vitaminwater

To ensure the participant isn’t totally off the grid, vitaminwater will provide a Nokia 3310, the most popular phone in 2000 (when vitaminwater launched), as a subtle nod to simpler days when the term “scrolling” had not yet entered our lexicon. The throwback device can be used for calls and texting.

vitaminwater will conduct a lie detector test on the participant at the end the 12-month period to determine if they followed the contest rules. If the participant passes, the money is theirs.

Failure will mean zero dollars.

What if the scroll-free journey is too hard and the participant gives up after six months? They will be able to tap out and claim a consolation prize of $10,000. Giving up before the halfway mark will mean forfeiting any shot at a cash prize.