
Introducing smartwater sparkling

Bubbling With Excitement


The smartwater® fans know and love is now available with just the right amount of tiny bubbles. smartwater sparkling combines the purity of vapor distillation with electrolytes and delicate carbonation to deliver a taste that is distinctly fresh, crisp and delicious.

“smartwater sparkling is the innovation that our fans have been waiting for.” - Caroline Kibler, director, smartwater

Beginning this month, smartwater sparkling will be available in one-liter bottles at select upscale dining locations and hotels, online retailers, club outlets and more -- and at select events in New York City, Los Angeles and Miami. In 2016, the brand will be offered in additional packages and markets throughout the country.

“smartwater sparkling is the innovation that our fans have been waiting for,” said Caroline Kibler, director, smartwater. “Earlier this year, we launched our #upupup campaign, which aimed to inspire consumers and help to elevate their everyday journeys, in the same way that smartwater is water inspired by the clouds. Similarly, smartwater sparkling, with its crisp and refreshing effervescence, is a new way to elevate consumer experiences.”